winter hazards

Winter-Related Issues for Homeowners

December 21, 2021

Winter-Related Issues for Homeowners

The coming of winter often brings extreme weather conditions that could be considered a nuisance at the very least. At worse, they can pose a threat to the structural integrity of the home and even the safety and well-being of the family living in it.

These and many other common issues faced by homeowners is precisely why home insurance is so important. The coverage provided by a good home insurance policy offers extensive financial protection against loss or damage caused by extreme winter weather conditions.

But insurance alone isn’t the solution to all the problems caused by snow, frost, and freezing temperatures. While insurance will cover the damage that may occur, it is necessary to take preventive measures so that these issues can be avoided before they occur.

Common winter-related issues faced by homeowners

Some of the most common problems that could affect your home this winter are:

  1. Peeling paint
  2. Boiler breakdowns
  3. Burst pipes
  4. Drafts
  5. Blocked gutters
  6. Mold growth

Dealing with these problems before they occur could save you expensive repair and maintenance costs and possibly even lower your insurance premiums.

Peeling paint

The cold air on the outside and warmth on the inside often causes exterior paint to peel off in response to the temperature difference. This can reduce the value of the home significantly and require costly repairs.

To prevent this from happening, you might want to apply a fresh coat of weather-proof paint to your walls before winter sets in. It is also advisable to check your insulation and replace it if necessary.

Boiler breakdowns

The extremely cold temperatures during winter cause boilers to work harder to heat up water. This places considerable stress on the seals and components, increasing the risk of a breakdown.

Before winter begins, it’s a good idea to subject your boiler to a thorough inspection and replace any worn or blown-out gaskets and seals. If its performance is significantly impaired or if there are major leaks, it might even be necessary to replace the entire boiler.

Burst pipes

Like boiler breakdowns, burst pipes are common occurrences during winter. In this case, freezing water is the culprit. As the water molecules freeze, they expand considerably and exert pressure on the pipes, causing them to burst at the seams or weak spots.

Again, pre-winter inspection can prevent these problems from occurring. Check your pipes thoroughly for cracks and bulges and replace the affected sections as needed.


Drafts can occur at any time of the year, but they are especially bothersome during the winter. They could cause your home’s heating system to work harder to heat the interior and your power bill to rise sharply. Drafts also increase the risk of illness, particularly respiratory conditions.

Check your entire house thoroughly for possible air entry points before winter comes. Windows and doors are common problem areas, but don’t forget to inspect your roof and attic as well.

Blocked gutters

Blocked gutters can cause a host of problems, some of which may not become apparent until spring. The most common cause is the accumulation of leaves, tree branches, and other debris throughout the year. Over time, this can collect at crucial spots and result in water buildup. This can cause the affected area to rot and develop cracks and holes.

Make sure to clear out your gutter before this can happen. If some areas already have leaks, apply roofing sealant before the problem worsens.

Mold growth

Mold isn’t only unsightly‒it can cause considerable damage to affected areas and reduce the value of the home. The most common cause is water damage, which often results from many of the issues described above.

To prevent mold from setting in, make sure to address any problems that could cause water to accumulate in problem areas. If the mold has already taken hold or has spread, it might be necessary to hire a mold remediation service.

Combining home insurance with preventive measures

As useful as insurance can be in protecting your investment, it won’t do anything to prevent loss or damage from occurring in the first place. For many people, a home is much more than a financial investment. In many cases, there is a significant emotional attachment to the property, the house, and its contents.

The ideal solution would be to get a good home insurance plan that will compensate you for losses or damage that may occur in the winter. You should then combine this with preventive measures that will reduce the risk of losing irreplaceable personal items and preserve the emotional value of your home and belongings. With this two-pronged approach, you might just be able to weather even the worst winter conditions.

About Blue Sky Insurance Agency

For over 20 years, family owned Blue Sky Insurance Agency has proudly specialized in insurance and tax services for Virginia residents. Our philosophy is simple: “If you can dream it, we can insure it.” We strive to provide value to our clients by establishing and building relationships and focusing on more than just rates. We are dedicated to providing holistic and strategically tailored solutions to protect all of your assets, and to provide peace of mind wherever life takes you. To get in touch with us, fill out a complimentary quote form, or call us at one of our two locations:


North Chesterfield

Phone: (804) 745-4044

PO Box 35674

North Chesterfield, VA, 23235

Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm


Phone: (804) 404-2030

9932 Midlothian Turnpike

Richmond, VA, 23235

Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm